New Scholars Briefing – September 2020

New Scholars webinar 5 September Small

New Beacon Schools and University Scholars and their parents were welcomed to a webinar briefing.

New Beacon Schools and University Scholars and their parents were welcomed to a webinar briefing. Normally, this briefing would have been held face-to-face as part of the annual Beacon Symposium, but due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions it was held virtually.

The briefing was an introduction to The Beacon Scholarship Programme, and to the Beacon Team. It included information on Workshops, Target-setting and Mentoring, and built an understanding of the Leadership Development focus of the programme. Presentations and videos were sent out in advance to allow sufficient time for a Q&A at the briefing.

The Trustees and Beacon Team were present to answer questions and offer guidance on the next steps. Some Schools and University Scholars were also on hand to share their Beacon experiences.

Here is a video of The Beacon Scholarship for Schools Briefing:

 Here is a video of The Beacon Scholarship for University Briefing: