New Beacon Scholars and their parents met BET Trustees and staff at the New Scholars Dinner in Nairobi.
New Beacon Scholars Areeg Emarah and Alexa Ouma and their parents/guardians/sponsors were welcomed to the Beacon New Scholars Dinner in Nairobi. Beacon Trustees and staff had an opportunity to meet the families informally.

Trustee Ajay Sood (left) and Beacon Rep Anne Babu (right) with parents of Alexa Ouma.

New Beacon Scholars Alexa Ouma (Brookhouse) and Areeg Emarah (Trinity, Cambridge).

Susan Kiragu, Beacon Regional Coordinator with Areeg Emarah’s parents and Antonia Sood, Trustee.

Alexa with Susan Kiragu and Dr Ashraf Emarah and Dr Gehan Emarah.
By the end of the evening Parents, Scholars and BET Staff were well acquainted and ready to join the rest of the Beacon Community for the Leadership Symposium the next day.