Serenae Large

Serenae Nyaboke Angima

14 years old, attending International School of Kenya, Nairobi.

14 years old, attending International School of Kenya, Nairobi. Serenae was awarded a Beacon Scholarship in May 2023.

Serenae has made an excellent start in her new school and shows real determination to improve and maintain her grades, taking ownership and responsibility for her learning. She has used sensible strategies such as pushing herself out of her comfort zone and reaching out to the school counsellor for support with choosing subjects.

Serenae is becoming an accomplished musician and is taking Grade 5 in the piano and violin. She has joined tennis teams both in and outside school, playing for the school A Team. As House Captain she helps to ensure the smooth running of sports events. Running has become a regular activity and an opportunity for Serenae to develop her physical endurance skills.

Developing her circle of influence, Serenae is a House Captain within the School Council and a member of the school Earth Day Committee, planning activities and delivering school-wide assemblies. She has been engaged with the Middle Leadership Round Table which has provided Serenae opportunities to become more involved in the wider school community.

Serenae helped to organise an Art Day with DECEP Children’s Home where they created artwork and completed activities with the children, leaving them with repurposed art resources and equipment. She has also participated in an Open Tennis Tournament to raise money for charity causes at school. 

Beacon Workshop Participation

In Leadership Workshops, Serenae has grown in confidence to participate more fully. She has developed skills such as creativity, active listening and giving and receiving feedback. 

Serenae’s 2024 Summer Beacon Citizenship Project focused on creating a better quality of education by furnishing a children’s home and school.